How to Program Mercedes-Benz Garage Door Opener

Mercedes-Benz Inventory

Garage parking your Mercedes-Benz vehicle is among the best ways to put your mind at ease. Knowing that your beloved vehicle is protected against the elements and other unexpected issues is a great comfort.

Punching in a garage code or fumbling through your console to find your garage door opener, though, isn’t always convenient. The team at our Northern Virginia Mercedes-Benz dealership knows how you value accessibility and convenience, and we’re here to help you make the most of all your Mercedes-Benz vehicle has to offer.

As Easy as Pushing a Button

Your Mercedes-Benz garage door opener will need to be programmed before its initial use, but once you have it set up a tap of the button is all that it takes to open your garage door when you pull up. The opener works with both fixed-code and rolling-code systems, and you can train your vehicle’s opener to work with the system you have with just a few button presses.

Using the video above, you can quickly and easily train the opener in your new Mercedes-Benz vehicle to work with your setup. Using the same video, you can also clear the system’s information to delete the settings when you trade in your lease or sell the vehicle to another owner.

To learn more about your Mercedes-Benz vehicle’s advanced settings and convenience features, or to get personalized hands-on assistance from the team at our Northern Virginia dealership, be sure to contact us by calling (703) 341-2100 today!

Mercedes-Benz Inventory